Where there is no vision, the people perish

Our Goal

Our main goal is to provide free educational youth projects for young people aged 11-16yrs of African and Caribbean descent who are at risk of exclusion from school and society.

Why reparations?

The dictionary definition of a reparation is ‘the action of making amends for a wrong one has done, by providing payment or other assistance to those who have been wronged. ‘

In both currently and in recent history, African Caribbean people have suffered from the inequality inherent in our society. Our goal is for our children, and our children’s children, to no longer feel or experience the inequality that our parent’s and our parent’s parent’s experienced. Our goal isn’t to receive handouts. Our goal is to rebuild that which is broken, in society and benefit us all. We are about seeking and offering assistance to those who are still struggling under this racial inequality, until it’s a thing of the past. In order to achieve these goals we need to be a people organised, working for equitable reconstruction (P.O.W.E.R) because without organistion, we are without vision, rudderless, going around in circles. Without hard work for equitable reconstruction, fairness and equality will not prevail. But as P.O.W.E.R-ful people, we will see change.

Why Bristol?


There’s a famous saying, “A journey of a thousand miles stars with a single step.

Another saying is,

“Clean up your own house before critising your neighbours”.

That is exactly what we are planning to do. Bristol is our city. Our first step. Our goal isn’t to tell people things need to change, but instead to live the change. To model it, bringing positive tangible changes that can then be emulated around our country, and then the world. We want to be the example that others can follow. We want others to learn from our mistakes. Our failures as well as our successes.

To achieve this, we have devised the following mission…….

Our Mission

  • To provide support and education for young people 11 to 16 years with an African Caribbean background who are underprivileged and at risk of not achieving full education and employment.

  • To give our youth access to FREE programmes that offer tuition and mentorship that helps them on their journey.

  • To build relationships with the community for them to be involved in the programme.

  • To provide stories of lived experiences so that young people can avoid the path which can lead to crime.